Hello Hong Kong

I’ve been wanting get to Hong Kong for ages – the expectation of a heady mix of East meets West – exotic yet still reassuringly familiar in parts. We’ve landed to unseasonably cold weather though – 10C – and everyone is wrapped up in hats, coats and gloves which isn’t what my immediate thought of what Hong Kong would be like.

DSC_1492We’re staying at the Eaton hotel in Kowloon, and with only a day and a half to see the city, we decided to go out and have a quick explore. Wandering down to Victoria Harbour, we were expecting to see the fantastic Hong Kong skyline – unfortunately though it’s so foggy today that we could barely make out the lights on the opposite shore – one for tomorrow!

Walking back to the hotel we stopped for a delicious first Chinese meal at the Kam Shan Seafood restaurant before heading back to the hotel to get some well deserved rest!

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