So here we all are finally in Perth, a place I visited ten years ago before I met James and way before William was thought about. Perth itself its pretty much how I remembered it – extremely clean with all the old buildings well preserved and lots of sun, blue skies and very hot!
We all arrived very late to our hotel after a gruelling flight with HRH Walker junior AKA the Devil Child. Despite being tired he refused to have any sleep and proceeded to spend at least two hours of the flight flailing his arms and legs about like a mad thing. Eventually I had to restrain him, which was not much fun, but hay ho we finally got here.
Going through immigration and customs we witnessed one of the immigration officers exuding all his charm to a poor Chinese man – blatant racism and something I can’t stand! On the flip side this lovely lady officer in customs happily x-rayed William’s Mr Bump soft toy as he had asked for him to have his “photo” taken again.
Went spent our first full day in Perth exploring the city pounding the streets in the heat and then finally ending our day in Kings Park – which is a beautiful park that overlooks the city.
Today we spent the day taking a boat trip out to Fremantle which is a very pretty and historical suburb of Perth about an hour down the Swan River.
We are sure the food in Perth is delicious but our last two meals have been a disruptive room service affair – by the end of the day Wills has been so tired that any kind of sitting in a restaurant would certainly be out of the question (think more arm flailing and restraining). We are fast finding out the joys of travelling with an over tired toddler.
Tomorrow we’re off to Margaret River just three hours drive south of Perth – it will be cooler and we are self catering so HRH will be able to be back on some sort of routine and hopefully in better spirits.