Farms, Lighthouses and Beaches

As mentioned in an earlier post, we’re currently staying at Burnside Organic Farm just outside Margaret River. We began our day by having an informal tour of the farm by one of the owners Lara. Lara and Jamie have been living on the farm for 17 years and have an almost self sufficient lifestyle – they have a small winery with two vineyards, avocado, olive and macadamia trees as well as chickens, geese, pigs and cows! The whole farm is managed to organic and bio-dynamic principles using no herbicides and pesticides and instead clever techniques like putting the geese in the field with the avocado trees so as to keep the grass down and the trees fertilised.

After the tour of the farm, we jumped in the car and, after a quick playground stop, headed down to Augusta and Cape Leeuwin – the most South-Westerly point in Australia – the next landmass would be Antarctica! After lunch watching some kite surfers on the Blackwood River, we had a very quick but windy walk around the base of the Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse – it’s the tallest lighthouse in Western Australia has been helping ships navigate the coastline here since 1895. Being the most South Westerly point means that this is where the Indian and Southern Oceans meet and results in some particularly choppy waters.

William has been of better spirits of late, but has been perfecting his persuasion skills and kept on negotiating with us to say “two more playgrounds and then the lighthouse”, or “we go to the beach and then we have lunch”. So, to keep him happy we drove back up to near Margaret River and spent an hour or so on Gracetown beach – a beautiful little secluded beach and great for swimming in – although the water was quite a bit chillier than we were expecting. Finishing the day, we headed to Prevelly and had fish and chips while watching the sunset – all in all a pretty good day had by all!


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